Accessibility Plan Progress Report

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 Executive Summary

Accessibility Plan

Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment for all staff and visitors. We pride ourselves on providing dignified and safe experiences for all members of the public and are committed to providing an environment that enables full participation and performance. Enabling people with disabilities aligns with our values, specifically:

  • We act in the interest of safety and wellness
  • We are respectful and inclusive
  • We are here for each other, our customers, and suppliers

Creating a barrier-free environment takes time and we are dedicated to removing and preventing barriers for our people, candidates, suppliers, customers and visitors. Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd. will build on our current efforts through the development of our initial Accessibility Plan as required under the Accessible Canada Act. This Accessibility Plan will guide our organization in meeting our accessibility commitments and in building an accessible environment for all.

To address the gaps in areas, we consulted with employees who identify as having a disability, roundtable discussions and by also sourcing best practices in our industry.

Information Received Through The Feedback Process

Our organization has not received any feedback from the public or employees as it relates to our Accessibility Plan. Current methods for receiving feedback include a link on our accessibility report, which is posted on our website, encouraging individuals to contact us using one of the contact methods listed below:

Contact: Manager, Talent & Engagement
Mailing Address: 739 Lagimodiere Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R2J 0T8
Telephone: (204) 257-6666 ext. 311

How We Have Considered The Feedback
No feedback has been provided to us as it relates to our Accessibility Plan.

How We Have Consulted People With Disabilities When Preparing The Progress Report
Our organization reached out to several current staff who identified as having a disability as it relates to our current methods of receiving feedback and the feedback received to date. According to the individuals we reached out to, our current methods for receiving feedback are effective.